Ertach Kernow - Article Index

Voice Newspapers - Ertach Kernow

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      1. How Truro came to be the capital city of Cornwall - The transfer of power through the ages
      2. Visionary who engineered a great chapter in Cornish history - Joseph Thomas Treffry
      3. Let's step out of lockdown into a history mystery - Cornish heritage sites administered by Cornwall Heritage Trust
      4. Turner's travels over Tamar tell Cornwall's story - J M W Turner's visit to Cornwall and his artwork
      5. Nostalgic Ride to a Land of Legend - Some Cornish tales and legends
      6. The Place names that help unlock our past history - The importance of place names in Cornwall's past
      7. Historic homes reveal dramatic family histories - Houses with Cornish family histories - Lanhydrock, Trerice, Cotehele
      8. Backtracking to our railway past - Cornwall and its railway beginnings
      9. Bude - Growth of a thriving resort town - Bude, its canal and its growth
      10. Cornwall’s great global Diaspora - Emigration leads to Cornish descendents throughout the world
      11. Villages guard clues to our heritage - Bodmin Moor's villages
      12. Storytellers will help keep alive Cornish identity - Gorsedh Kernow 2020
      13. Net profits for our old coastal communities - Fishing in Cornwall an overview
      14. Summercourt Fair well worth a nostalgic visit - The origins of Summercourt fair
      15. Enduring legacy of Cornwall's great benefactor - John Passmore Edwards
      16. How Tragedy at sea devastated lives left behind - Great storm of October 1880
      17. The father of local English history - John Leland his Cornish itinerary Launceston-Bodmin-Truro
      18. Lostwithiel - Rich layer of town's history - Lostwithiel historic capital of Cornwall
      19. In touch with our Celtic Festivals - Lowender Peran
      20. Landscape and legend entwined - Dozmary Pool
      21. Huge contribution to our culture - Cornish Archaeological Legend - Lt Col F C Hirst
      22. The marvel that's beneath our feet- The Great County Adit
      23. Revealing the Face of Tudor Cornwall - John Norden
      24. Inside Britain's Oldest Home - Penfound Manor
      25. Medieval Marvels Light up our Lives - Medieval Cornish church stained glass windows
      26. Cornwall at Christmas - Christmas past from the newspapers
      27. Wreck of the Anson - A wreck that changed attitudes and the law
      28. Greatest living Cornishman - Sir Arthur Quiller Couch 'Q'
      29. Preserving our holy ground - Cornish holy wells, recording and preserving them
      30. Fishing Smugglers and Wrecks - Stories of Mullion Cove
      31. Unlocking our past Cornwall's Canal Heritage - Overview of Cornwall canal's, built, not completed, planned and imagined
      32. Taking the High Ground - Bodmin's ancient hillforts - Castle Canyke and Dunmere
      33. Bridges battle for survival – Respryn Bridge - History and present day survival issues
      34. Miners toiled in the wake of St Piran - Mining in Perranporth
      35. Making a song and dance about us - Overview of some of Cornwall's cultural and historic heritage 
      36. Lighting up the 'Age of the Saints' - St Petroc, Cornwall's medieval patron saint
      37. Amongst Mines and Miners - The work & achievements of J C Burrow, Camborne Photographer
      38. Rise and fall of our most iconic mine Botallack - Poldark, Royal visits and tunnels under the sea. The story of Botallack
      39. Roads to Fortune - Carrick Roads and the towns and settlements surrounding Cornwall's mighty waterway
      40. In the footsteps of Defoe - 18th century author of Robinson Crusoe tours Cornwall
      41. Britain's most beautiful branch line - St Erth to St Ives railway in the footsteps of Cyril Noall
      42. Brunel opens gateway to Cornwall - Saltash the opening of the Royal Albert Bridge and Cornwall Railway 1859
      43. Exploring the land of legend - Story Collectors & Storytellers
      44. A salute to the great Trevithick - An overview of Richard Trevithick a great Cornishman, his life and achievements
      45. Cornish Routes - Road development, turnpikes and toll-roads
      46. Called to the court of the king - Archaeology and the making of Tintagel as a destination
      47. The Newlyn Riots 125 years on - Religion and price of fish led to rioting in Newlyn
      48. Shining light in the darkness - Penzance's great son, Sir Humphry Davy
      49. Feisty travels with Celia - Early tour around Cornwall c1698 with Celia Fiennes
      50. The sky's the limit - Area of outstanding natural beauty AONB - Bodmin Moor
      51. Keep it Kernewek - Speak Cornish Week events and Cornish language
      52. A name perpetual - The Cornish uprising 1497 and dissatisfaction today
      53. Celtic Culture - International Celtic Congress and contribution from Celtic Congress Cornwall
      54. On the edge - The Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall
      55. Taxing Times, Cornwall's historic hundreds 'Stratton' - Background on the hundreds and first of nine - Stratton.
      56. Tudor Travels - John Leland around the Roseland Peninsula c1542
      57. River Journey's - The River Camel historic aspects
      58. For those in Peril - Saving life on the North Cornish coast before the RNLI lifeboats
      59. Fancy a pint? - Pubs in mid and west Cornwall, visited and written about by Arthur Caddick Cornish poet
      60. Portrait of a Parish - Botus Fleming Cornwall's second smallest parish
      61. Churches endure the ravages of time and man - Cury Church & Gunwalloe Church
      62. An idyllic scene - Visit to St Clements village and burial in Truro
      63. Opening up - Heritage Open Days in Cornwall - including many links
      64. Literary giant had powerful roots in Cornwall - Sir William Golding Cornish ancestry
      65. Full steam ahead - Early guidebooks to Cornwall
      66. Tall tower, deep roots - Probus church, schools and historic houses
      67. Legacies in stone - Early farming & Cornish hedges
      68. The Levant Disaster - The why's and wherefores of the Levant Man Engine disaster of 1919
      69. Crossing the Tamar - Opening of the Tamar Road Bridge 60th anniversary
      70. The Great Storm of 1859 - The 'Royal Charter Storm' death and destruction on land and sea
      71. Gone but not forgotten - Cyrus Redding journalist, writer and traveller
      72. Lyonesse, Lost lands & lessons - Myth & Legend meets 21st century reality
      73. Quethiock, a community destroyed in an afternoon - Sale of the manorial land broke up a community
      74. Read all about it (Cornish newspapers 1800 - 1840) - A range of historical articles
      75. Penhale to Wheal Coates - Including St Agnes AONB
      76. An enjoyable heritage day out - Visiting Minions Moor, Cheesewring, Hurlers, Trethevy Quoit, St Neot & pub lunch
      77. Mousehole - The loveliest village, history and traditions
      78. Cornish Christmas' past - How and why Christmas was celebrated and here in Cornwall
      79. Pictures of the Past - Engravings of Cornish towns and places
      80. Saviours of the Cornish language - Early scholars preserving and translating Cornish
      81. 200 years of the coastguard - The early days excise duties and smugglers
      82. Slain by the satellites of Satan & Royal Navy Shipwrecks 
      83. John Thomas Blight - His work and an overview of his unfortunate life
      84. Spreading wings - Overview of the origins of Liskeard, Looe, Camborne, Redruth and Pool
      85. The men behind Richard Lander's famous Cornish Statue - Lander, Monument, Neville Northey Burnard and Philip Sambell
      86. An Ancient History Ruan Linkinhorne - Parish, and historic families and castle
      87. The Birth of Tin Mining - Exporting tin through the Mediterranean to the Levant 
      88. Songs for Cornwall - Cornwall's unique songs and music
      89. Hillforts and cliff castles - Visit some of these throughout Cornwall
      90. The Great Blizzard of 1891 - Transport, woodland, businesses and people how they were all effected 
      91. Quirks of fate - Mitchell a Cornish Rotten Borough - The rise and fall of a historic village
      92. A Penwith road trip - Visiting various historic sites in Penwith with two young lads
      93. Digging into the past and Richard Earl of Cornwall - Evolving Cornish Archaeological Society / Commemorating 750th anniversary of the death of Richard Earl of Cornwall
      94. Travels around West Wivelshire - Following the travels of Tudor cartographer John Norden
      95. Traditions that mean Home - Celebrating Celtic festival of Beltane
      96. 1872 ago from historic Cornish journals - The Royal Institution of Cornwall and Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society journals
      97. Water water everywhere- Drought in 1976 and Cornish reservoirs and water supply sources
      98. Camelford History - A day visit to Camelford and something of its history
      99. On the edge of memory - Cornish monuments to famous people of their day and forgotten war dead
      100. The Hungry Forties - 19th century famine and hunger in Cornwall, Ireland and Scotland. Cornish food riots.
      101. The Lanhydrock Atlas a Historic Jewel - Lanhydrock Atlas and the house and estate
      102. How we used to work - Comparing work in Cornwall from the first modern census of 1841
      103. The Tudors and loss of Cornish Identity - Religious upheaval leading to near loss of Cornish language and identity
      104. Home sweet home through history - Cornish house construction through time
      105. Travels with Celia Fiennes - Celia's continuing Cornish journey in 1698
      106. Helston early historic Cornish town - The early days of Helston
      107. The Rule of Law, Administering Cornish Justice - The Assizes: Where Justice was administered 
      108. Cornwall too 'bleake' for windmills - Some of Cornwall rare windmills and their remains today
      109. Blisland a historic and pretty parish - Visiting Blisland and walking round looking at this pretty and interesting parish
      110. Cornwall's wonderful gardens - looking at some of the gardens in Cornwall their history and families who began them
      111. Sabine Baring-Gould and the Cornish Giant - Introduction to Sabine Baring-Gould and Anthony Payne and portrait
      112. Cool and Tranquil - Cornish churches cool and tranquil - St Enoder and St Julitta at Lanteglos-by-Camelford
      113. Growth and Decay - Tresillian and Merther two Cornish villages
      114. William Borlase Cornish Antiquarian - Background on one of Cornwall's most important recorders of Cornish antiquities
      115. Celtic Cousins - Connections to Brittany, shared heritage language roots, saints, monuments and interests
      116. Travels with Defoe - Daniel Defoe, travels from Fowey to Falmouth in the early 18th century
      117. Earls and Dukes of Cornwall - Earls of Cornwall, the creation of the Duchy, later Dukes and transfer of power
      118. Kilkhampton a Story of Hero's Villains and Anarchy - The Grenville Family, castle & church doings
      119. Cornwall, Read all about it - New books, old books, Cornish libraries
      120. Cornwall leading the world - Cornwall not so backward and leading the world
      121. The historic parish of Breage - Historic tin mine, beginning of Cornwall's china clay industry, wealthy families, haunted castle.
      122. The Luxulyan Valley and Industrial Woodlands - a walk through the beautiful valley & Charlestown history
      123. Ancient Celtic celebrations and artefacts - looking at Samhain and some of the beautiful gold objects being exhibited at the RCM
      124. Digging in - The importance of archaeology for Cornwall - Looking at archaeology and the wider benefits to Cornwall
      125. Cornwall's railways; Beeching branch line closures - Branch line loss, survival and afterwards
      126. Portreath weathering the storms - Portreath Harbour as an important Cornish fishing and mineral port
      127. Vanishing social heritage - Some of Cornwall's historic pubs, existing and lost
      128. Sir John Betjeman, a great adopted Cornishman - How and why John Betjeman came to love Cornwall
      129. Marazion more than just a view - An historic trading settlement overlooking Mount's Bay and St Michael's Mount
      130. Researching Family History - Sharing experiences in using DNA and researching family history
      131. Cornish heritage recorded in art - Artists recording places, events and day to day life in art and photography
      132. The rise and decline of Cornish Methodism - Chapels being monitored by The Cornish Buildings Group
      133. Celebration of Cornish Music - An overview of Cornish music and the Cornish National Music Archive
      134. Port Navas strikes our screens - Seen on BBC Drama series Strike the 18th/19th century Cornish quarry port of Porth Navas
      135. Forgotten genius Sir Goldsworthy Gurney? - Lighting, steam cars, musical instruments and all manner of ideas
      136. John Norden travels around the Powder Hundred - Major towns, sites of interest during Cornwall's Tudor Elizabethan Age
      137. Cornwall's Western Quoits - History of Cornwall's Western Quoits
      138. Sir Christopher Hawkins, Boroughmonger - Notorious Cornish landowner, MP and pocket borough owner
      139. Historic Cornish Hotels - From the early to late 19th century, many still standing and part of Cornwall's heritage
      140. National patron saints of Cornwall - Cornwall's triumvirate of national patron saints. St Michael, St Petroc and St Piran
      141. Caradon Hill - boom to bust - The short lived copper boom at Caradon Hill and the inevitable bust that followed.
      142. Polruan Historic Heritage - Its history as a part of the parish of Laneglos by Fowey, early trading and later shipbuilding
      143. Cornwall environment and culture - How Cornwall's environment shaped it's culture and heritage
      144. Church in a Hillfort - How a hillfort on the outskirts of St Dennis  was later occupied by a church
      145. Cornish poets and poetry - Well-known and not so well-known poets inspired by Cornwall and its people
      146. Cornwall's geological legacy - The formation of Cornwall, its rocks and stone created its future story 
      147. The logan stone of Treen - It's rocky history and how it was involved in a British national scandal
      148. Spring travels around Cornwall - Cornwall Heritage Trust sites, visiting Bodmin Moor, St Wyllow Church at Lanteglos by Fowey
      149. Porthleven History - How Porthleven evolved from a fishing village to a tourist town
      150. Kings and Cornish History - How certain historic English kings had an affect on Cornish history and identity
      151. Cornish Emigration to Australia - Convicts, Orphans, Miners all making up the Cornish Diaspora in Australia today
      152. St Germans a village with history and fun - This historic church village has and still enjoys festivals and fun events
      153. The fall and rise of Cornish woodland - Cornish woodlands diminished, gradual rebuild including lately the Forest for Cornwall
      154. Cornish Census and Surveys - What the census and survey records tell us about Cornwall's population
      155. Porthcurno. Centre of the worlds communications - World communication from Porthcurno linking Britain to its empire.
      156. Warleggan, once isolated and insular - The story of a village, once one of the most isolated in Cornwall and its eccentric vicar
      157. Cornish historic road bridges - Background to Cornish roads. two of Cornwall's historic bridges Treverbyn and Wadebridge.
      158. King Arthur, Cornwall's Arthurian legacy - The origins of the King Arthur legend in Cornwall
      159. St Veep a once busy quiet parish - Riverside village of Lerryn and nearby haunting ruins of 1920's Tivoli Park
      160. Antique books share stories - Lost buildings, historic dance, ancient ruins. Looking at Penzance, Rescorla and Roche.
      161. Tamar Valley medieval jewel - Cotehele Estate with its house, gardens, woodland and quay. A terrific place to visit. 
      162. Enjoying the Fowey Estuary - Biodiverse environment meets historic buildings and sites of interest and wonderful views. 
      163. Climate aids Cornish farming - Cornwall's mild winters and warm damp climate with global warming aids new crops and products
      164. Gwennap a rich mining history - A tour around Gwennap parish its villages, and some of its many sites of interest.
      165. Unsentimental journey to the Lizard - Mrs Craik and her 'ducklings' first leg of their visit to Cornwall to the Lizard.
      166. St Mawgan in Pydar historic and modern villages - Two very different villages in this historic parish
      167. Trevelyan a dark history - A look at this old Cornish family and the dark side of their history including  during the Irish famine
      168. Cardinham a parish full of history - Hillfort, medieval castle remains, historic church to crosses and inscribed stones.
      169. Cornwall its environment and heritage - An overview of Cornwall statutory protected areas, AONB's, SSSI's and local offerings
      170. Cornish fishing, the early years - Looking at fishing in Cornwall and Cornish coastal communities during the medieval period
      171. The Poly, encouraging innovation in Cornwall - Origins of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic in the early and mid-19th century.
      172. Cornish folktales and stories saved - Cornish folklore, myths and legends saved by Robert Hunt, William Bottrell and others
      173. Morwenstow - Cornwall's most northly parish - Hawker country, beautiful and interesting coastline and interior villages
      174. Bypassed but not forgotten - Often referred to as Cornwall's forgotten corner this is an interesting and beautiful part of Cornwall.
      175. Passed Cornish Storms - A look at some past 19th century storms that had an effect on Cornwall and some communities
      176. Medieval Education in Cornwall - Mostly based around religious houses the Reformation changed much to Cornish education
      177. Padstow Haven and the infamous Doom Bar - Padstow a port from medieval times has been plagued by the infamous Dunbar
      178. Cornish heritage at risk - A look at the 2023 Historic England entries for Cornwall and some of those places mentioned
      179. Coverack to Porthoustock a deadly coastline - Small fishing villages, beautiful scenery, dangerous coastline, death on the rocks
      180. Some eminent Truronian buildings - Grand buildings from the seventeen to twentieth centuries grace Truro's streets.
      181. Debating Cornish People - Students debate Cornish people they believe deserve greater recognition, perhaps beyond Cornwall.
      182. For the love of Cornwall - Reviewing 'A Cornish Chorus' uplifting poems, prose and descriptions published in 1948 (Download)
      183. Reviewing Ertach Kernow 2023 - A look at the wide range of Cornish historic, cultural and environmental topics covered in 2023
      184. Continuing early travels in Cornwall - Considering early travellers and writers to Cornwall from the 15th century
      185. Early tourism at Land's End - The development of Land's End from its earliest visitors and as a tourist destination
      186. Tragedy at Wheal Owles - Human tragedy and death in Cornish mining this looks at at Wheal Owles and the 1893 disaster
      187. Beautiful Historic Calstock - An overview of this lovely largely rural parish on the Tamar from its earliest days
      188. Glynn Valley engineering feats - The still beautiful Glynn Valley a look at man made changes throughout the ages 
      189. The Roscarrock's of Roscarrock - A historic farmstead giving its name to a longstanding Cornish family
      190. Origins of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall - The men who began it and the society's aims and development
      191. Celia Fiennes goodbye to Cornwall - The final part of Celia's journey around Cornwall in 1698
      192. Perranzabuloe, St Piran’s three churches - Some 1400 years of St Piran church history in Perranzabuloe, oratory to parish church
      193. Limekilns a Cornish industrial legacy - A numerous remnant of 18th & 19th century Cornish industrial heritage
      194. Ancient Cathedral of Cornwall - Rev John Whitaker included much historic information in his book published in 1804
      195. Cornish historic coastal defences under spotlight - Looking at defences around the coastline from medieval to early 20th century
      196. Travelling Cornwall's beautiful Atlantic Highway - The nearby towns, villages, monuments and historical sights along this route
      197. Grampound a rotten borough made good - An important borough town's decline into a rotten borough has risen again, made good
      198. Granite the heart of Cornish heritage - Much of Cornwall's historic, cultural & environmental heritage is based on Cornish granite
      199. Roseland Peninsula Historic and culturally fulfilling - Five parishes with historic buildings and a culturally active community
      200. Celebrating the official recognition of Cornish Identity - Tenth anniversary of the recognition of Cornish identity acknowledged
      201. Cornish Celtic Way: saints' trails through Cornwall - Two medieval routes across Cornwall. St Germans to St Michael's Mount
      202. Seaquest Southwest a Cornish Wildlife project - A look at the Seaquest project and the north coast marine groups involved
      203. Recording and preserving Kernow's milestone legacy - Recognising Cornwall's fantastic range and number of historic milestones
      204. The Cornish Magazine revisited 60 years ago - What was being discussed back in 1964, mining still existing and an issue of interest
      205. Cornwall the last bastion of broad-gauge railways - Brunel's broad-gauge lasted in Cornwall until 1892 then came the great change
      206. Touring Cornwall with author Daniel Defoe - Famous early 18th century author of Robinson Crusoe on his tour of Cornwall
      207. Cadgwith and the Cornish parishes of Grade-Ruan - Three merged parishes and the village of Cadgwith, a beautiful area of Cornwall.
      208. Kernewek the Celtic language of Cornwall - History of Kernewek, its fall and now its recovery and growth as part of a Cornish nation
      209. The Trevithick Society & Cornish mining heritage - One of Cornwall's outstanding preservation and knowledge sharing societies
      210. Inspiring young interest In Cornish archaeology - Archaeology Festival and the rebirth of the Cornish Young Archaeology Club
      211. Old guidebooks illustrate growth of Cornish towns - Bude & Falmouth in mid-19th century guide books
      212. Taxation in Cornwall and its early administration - A look at how the Cornish were taxed by the Anglo-Saxons and Normans