Archaeology FdSc Course and History Heritage & Culture FdA course
Truro College Archaeology BSc Degree Course and the History Heritage & Culture Foundation Degree Course exhibitions many of which have been shown at Newquay Museum.
This is part of a programme to share the work of students to a far wider audience than would be able to view them in a Cornish museum. Cornwall is fortunate to have these courses available helping share Cornwall's historic, cultural and environmental heritage to younger people who wish to study and live in Cornwall.
If you would like to find out more about these courses please click the links below.
Archaeology Foundation Degree course
History Heritage & Culture Foundation Degree course
Click on the poster [right] to enlarge
It was in 2016 we first had the pleasure of working with a group of young people on the History Heritage and Archaeology Foundation Degree course at Truro and Penwith College. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm that these students had for their subject and that they engaged so much with the Cornwall.
The exhibition which was displayed at the Newquay Museum was well received and would be followed up in 2017 with another exhibition entitled Dirty Rotten Boroughs. The students did a wonderful job and managed to turn what might be a dry subject into one that created a lot of interest. Len has developed this into a visual presentation and includes the work of the students within the talk, which has proved very popular.
Since then Newquay Museum and Association for Cornish Heritage have worked alongside students and tutors on the Archaeology BSc and History Heritage & Culture Fdn degree courses to produce exhibitions. These not only highlight the work of students, share aspects of Cornwall's heritage, but also promote these courses that are so important to encouraging interest by students in Cornwall's historic, cultural and environmental heritage.
The following interview took place in 2016 on the Debbie McCrory Radio Cornwall show, where John Ant and Tom talk about their group’s exhibition The English Crown and its Celtic neighbours as well as their enjoyment of studying and enjoying student life in Cornwall.
Dirty Rotten Boroughs
This exhibition delves into Political Corruption in Cornwall before 1832 and the Great Reform Act of that year. The second year degree students' research investigated a variety of Cornish towns to see just how much Cornwall's constituencies changed in the 1832 election.
The Mayflower Voyage Exhibition
The Mayflower Voyage Exhibition investigates the provisioning of the The Mayflower on the occasion of the 400-year anniversary of its most famous voyage from Plymouth to Plymouth Rock.
Though the Mayflower has long since been retired, its story lives on in a wonderfully presented exhibition created by the third-year students of Truro Colleges BSc (Hons) Archaeology degree course and hosted by the Telegraph Museum Porthcurno.
This family inclusive event went live at 24/04/2020 on our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages and brings the exhibition to the comfort of your own home.
Click on the image to open the exhibition in a new window
Sensory Experience in Cornish Mining
An exhibition created by the Truro College BSc Archaeology Degree course in 2014 and shown at Newquay Museum during 2015. This exhibition was well received especially by visitors from South Wales and Northern England, many of them former miners in the coal industry.
Beyond the Poldark Portal - Exploring Mining in Cornwall During the 1800's
The Beyond the Poldark Portal exhibition project also includes some items and artefacts to view. It was set up as part of the Newquay Old Cornwall Society museum at Dairyland Farm World working alongside existing range of Cornish displays and exhibitions there.
As the museum was not open during 2020 due to COVID-19 it has been included here although and will also continue be available when the museum reopens.
John Harris (1820-1884) Cornish Miner, Poet, Preacher
An exhibition created by the History Heritage & Archaeology Fdn degree course in 2020. This exhibition includes some of the research and studies by the students on this course covering the life of John Harris. It looks at the environment he worked and lived in and the influence of that on his life and poetry.
As the exhibition launch at Newquay Museum coincided with the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown we are sharing this online as part of the ongoing programme of showing exhibitions by students on the Archaeology BSc degree course and the new History, Heritage & Culture Fdn course at Truro College.
Exploring Celtic Cornwall - Examining Cornish Heritage - The Shifting Heart of Power & Identity AD 875 -1337
An exhibition created by the History Heritage & Culture Fdn degree course in 2021. This exhibition looks at a range of buildings and monuments relating to those who held power during this period.
As the exhibition launch at Newquay Museum coincided with pandemic issues this was delayed. However, by including it online and as a part of our external exhibitions we hope that it will reach far larger audiences.
Sharing this online as part of the ongoing programme of promoting exhibitions by students on the Archaeology BSc degree course and the History, Heritage & Culture Fdn course at Truro College.
Cornish Towns in the Industrial Recolution
This exhibition looking at various Cornish towns was created by the History Heritage & Culture Fdn degree course in 2021. It explores these towns looking at how they evolved, albeit far from the centre of industrial England.
The exhibition launch at Newquay Museum coincided with pandemic issues this was delayed. However, by including it online and as a part of our external exhibitions we hope that it will reach far larger audiences.
Sharing this online as part of the ongoing programme of promoting exhibitions by students on the Archaeology BSc degree course and the History, Heritage & Culture Fdn course at Truro College.
Transformed Cornwall - An exhibition on how the Industrial Revolution transformed Cornwall
An History Heritage & Culture Fdn degree course exhibition exploring the wider impact of industrialisation upon Cornwall's economy and society. These changes were both positive and negative and the exhibition illustrates many of these factors.
One of the exhibitions where the launch at Newquay Museum coincided with the pandemic leading to its delay. However, by including it online and as a part of our mobile external exhibitions we hope that it will reach far larger audiences.
Sharing this online as part of the ongoing programme of promoting exhibitions by students on the Archaeology BSc degree course and the History, Heritage & Culture Fdn course at Truro College.