The Headland Riots 1897 - 1898
Video premier supported by an illustrated talk 'Cornish Landscapes and Monuments'
Venue: Fistral Suite at the Headland Hotel on 18th October 2023 - Starting time: 8:00pm
This event supports Newquay Museum and the work of Kowethas Ertach Kernow in preserving and sharing Newquay and Cornish heritage. This is a fund raising opportunity for Newquay Museum which relies almost entirely on donations and fund raising. They are a volunteer led museum and hope that many folk who value this local museum and archive where a huge amount of primary Newquay and Cornish documents, photographs and artefacts are stored and shared will support this event.
Newquay had never seen such crowd violence and probably never has since. The start of construction of the Headland Hotel and actions of the Cornish Hotels Company owners of the Atlantic Hotel prior to this fomented such outrage leading to rioting in the streets and criminal damage to the construction sites. Here is the story told through the media of the day in their own words.
Newquay Museum and Kowthas Ertach Kernow thank Mr and Mrs Armstrong for their kind invitation and for hosting this event at The Headland Hotel. Where could have been more appropriate than this fine Grade II listed building, the source of such enmity with local people at its construction, now a well-loved and valued part of Newquay's tourist and heritage sectors.
The story of The Headland Riots
This event supports the work of Newquay Museum in telling the story of Newquay’s history. A premier of the short YouTube video ‘The Headland Riots of 1897-1898’ shares the story of the early days of Newquay’s tourist industry and issues arising from the building of the Atlantic and then Headland Hotels.
This video premier will be supported by an illustrated talk ‘Cornish Landscapes and Monuments’ by Len Sheppard, recently presented at the Royal Cornwall Museum.
This video and illustrated talk supports Newquay Museum and your support is appreciated. Funding of the museum is entirely through donations and fund-raising activities.
Book by clicking the blue box
Len Sheppard coordinates Newquay Museum and is also involved with a number of Cornish heritage groups. He runs several online activities including many social media platforms as well as a YouTube channel. A weekly contributor to the Cornish ‘Voice’ newspapers under the title Ertach Kernow, he also provides illustrated presentations to groups and schools throughout Cornwall. Honoured with a bardship of Gorsedh Kernow, Len took the Kernewek bardic name Kevrennek a Skians - Sharer of Knowledge.
This is just one of a series of illustrated talks this speaker is able to give relating to Newquay as well as many about Cornwall and Cornish heritage, which are presented to groups at venues throughout Cornwall.