Words & Phrases in Kernewek
A poster will be available to download with the words & phrases in Kernewek and English and there will be an audio link to each of them to help with pronunciation.
We hope this will be of benefit to people who are interested in Cornwall’s historic and cultural heritage and that more people will use these words and phrases in everyday life.
Clicking the audio file will give a pronunciation followed by a gap and then repeated. Combined gives all words and phrases.
Clicking the audio file will give a pronunciation followed by a gap and then repeated. Combined gives all words and phrases
Audio files (click link below to listen)
Theme: Christmas & New Year
- Nadelik Lowen
- Bledhen Nowydh Da
- Nadelik Lowen ha Bledhen Nowydh Da
- Gans kerensa
- Gorhemynadow dhyworth Kernow
- A wruss’ ta kavos Nadelik da?
- Combined