The Celtic Nations

The Celtic Nations of which Cornwall, or Kernow in Kernewek the Cornish language, is one make up the six Celtic nations. Five of these form part of the islands of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the sixth Brittany. These pages are dedicated to news and information relating to these Celtic nations, containing information and links to those nation's wider Celtic heritage websites and social media.

This website is about historic, cultural and environmental heritage and does not include information or links to political parties or groups. What makes us all separate nations beyond being part of current larger dominating national borders are our national Celtic languages along with our own national historic, cultural and environmental heritage. Without our individual Celtic languages and cultural differences, that are the souls of our nations, we are nothing but an appendage to a larger nation independent or not, speaking their language and following their customs. Nationhood is more than just a line drawn on a map, it is enshrined in our national soul.

The latest edition of The Celtic Congress Cornwall newsletter can be found with previous editions at

The Celtic Congress Cornwall - An Guntelles Keltek Kernow

This page provides further information and links to Celtic Congress Cornwall events, projects and activities.

For those who are interested in Celtic themes, membership is available and a membership application form is on the back of the latest Celtic Congress Cornwall newsletter.

You are very welcome to contact the Vice Chair of Celtic Congress Cornwall, Len Sheppard for more information at

Link to information on the International Celtic Congress 2021 virtual congress

International Celtic Congress

International Celtic Congress

Links to the international website (Below) and individual national websites of Celtic Congress (Right)

International Celtic Congress - Website

International Celtic Congress - Facebook 

The 2021 annual International Celtic Congress will be taking place online due to the COVID pandemic. This is being organised by the Cymru branch and more information will follow shortly as the programme of events become fixed.

All the six branches will be contributing lecture speakers and entertainers as well as organising hosts and facilitators for the six Celtic language events.

Links will be posted here

National branches of Celtic Congress


Website: Celtic Congress Scotland

Facebook: Celtic Congress Scotland


Website: Celtic Congress Brittany


Facebook: Celtic Congress Wales


Website: Celtic Congress Ireland         


Website: Celtic Congress Cornwall

Facebook: Celtic Congress Cornwall


Website: Celtic Congress Mannin

Message from the President of the International Celtic Congress. This includes news about the 2021 International Celtic Congress which will be held in Wales at Aberystwyth and Ireland being pushed back to 2022.

Click Header Image for Message

Celtic Links - Alba

Celtic Links - Eire

Celtic Links - Mannin

Celtic Links - Cymru

Celtic Links - Kernow

Celtic Links - Breizh