Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland

Cornish language. Exploring, engaging and finding more about Kernewek. Learn interesting tips, facts and how to get involved and engage with the language and its community via the medium of informal chat.

To listen to Owains podcasts click the link below or the appropriate image. The episode selected will be the top podcast in the list. These are listed below in the order published.

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  • Podcast Introduction - Dynnergh dhe'n Towlpod - Dynnargh, my name is Owain and I'm a Cornish Language user and I want to engage you in the language and its community via the medium of informal chat. Here I lay out some basic info about the language, its community and give you a bit about myself, welcome. 
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Getting Started - Ow TallethSome introductions to various assets of the language as well as what I used to help me learn. Here are the links I promised you, as we continue I'll share more stuff but for now I don't want to bombard you.
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Why Learn Cornish?In this episode I mainly discuss why should you learn Cornish, I also look at which apps to take a look at for both adults and children.
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Le Rouge MoulinIn this podcast I speak about one very common mistake in Cornish and how this relates to French that many people will already know.
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Mutants at the Moulin RougeHere I carry on explaining grammar of the Cornish Language, expanding on my Moulin Rouge theme from last week
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Raising Children | Maga Fleghes - Here I give a quick update followed by an in-depth discussion of how raising children in Cornish/to be Cornish users is going rounded off with instructions for a good ramble
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Crowdfunding & Film Review (Kestav) - I talk about the launch of the crowdfunding campaign to help me publish my new book, I also give the review of the film Kestav I've been promising for a coupe of weeks now.
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Mis Gwynngala | September - Finally, I get round to doing another podcast, catch up with what I've been doing. I go through some real basics, alphabet, numbers and so on..
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Nadelik - A short Christmas with some bardhonegieth (poetry).
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Art & Trengellick Rising - I discuss two new Cornish-language short film releases as well as my son's developing bilingualism.
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • An Gonch (Diskudhans a-ji) - Reading from my new book (spoilers)  - Goslowewgh orthiv ow redya chaptra berr diworth ow romans nowydh
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Awen - A discussion on awen, inspiration & creativity.
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Decoding Cornwall - A discussion of place names and place-name elements allowing you to begin decoding the meaning behind the places in Cornwall and gain more understanding of the landscape and history of Kernow.
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Ark Minute Will'ee? - Join me to discuss Corno-English, the Cornish dialect of the English language and how it's affected by the Kernowek
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland
  • Autumn Updates -
    Da yw genev agas gweles!
    Join me for an autumnal catch up

The Cornish Language Podcast by Owain Holland